Tuesday 9 January 2018

A Look at Life

To begin with, actually i don't know how to write a blog. Its just that i want to pour my heart out through the mere use of words. i don't even know whether my chosen topic has any real value in this world or not but all i know is that some elements of life are beyond explanation and one of them is experiencing tranquility in this materialistic modern life. Lets begin with understanding life. i would say Life is just like any travel destination each day of whose unexplored and unexperienced themes bring curiosity, excitement, thrill and unending fantasies regarding the journey and the destination. but after the destiny is reached ultimately the day brings in a feeling of confusion, loneliness and dejection. i would say people exaggerate things. people exaggerate life. its not that every journey always end in self dejection. sometimes sorrows and depression can be a common output of many people together. but here where one should take a leap and instead of searching for result in the end one should delicately pick out the trivial moments of joy in the journey which in the larger scale of life are most of the times the only companions of a lonesome person. because every person in every field of life inspite of the name, fame and wealth they earn are somewhere lonely in their own heart. some keep quiet while others torment their own conscience with it. A third type try to pour out their pain alongwith their words just like me.
                                              In my personal view, i would like to bring your focus on some of the travel experiences of my own life. the first was when i was in my schooling days. i visited Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. the place was beyond scenic beauty. its beaches, coastal areas touched the bottom of my heart. somewhere i still find myself in solace whenever i mesmerize those waves and those soothing winds blow over my face. A second place I visited was Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India. the beauteous forms of nature glimpsed at the place is beyond any explanation. perhaps I could never explain my feelings of that day. the breathtaking sundown at the sunset point took all the hardships off from my mind and instead gifted me with placidity of the mind that soothed the deep down throbs of my mind. 

So as we travel to different places in our life we find each of them as a contrary to that in which we are living and hence we end up finding solace in the places unseen and unexplored as our thrist of curiosity is quenched.